Save money on makeup remover and use a carrier oil instead!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

REVIEW: Unreal - Unjunked

     Hey cloudies! I just tried some candy from UNREAL for a review because i'm also a Bzz Agent. The sent me a free coupon for the candy, and 5 bogo coupons.

   I tried this in Unreal 8, (the purple one) and i had higher hopes for this product. It was dry, sweet in areas that i did not want and just tasted too healthy and un delicious.

When i eat junk food, i wanna eat JUNK. Otherwise i'll just avoid it all together. This product is only 70 calories less than snikers, so i'd eat a snickers before i'd eat this healthy alternative.

The bar is ok tasting, just how you would expect a generic brand would taste like.
Rating, 3/5

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wahhh~ awesome sauce giveaway!

Look at all these Goodies!

  One day, i'll be able to have a give away just like this. *sigh*
But for now, i'm going to try to win it and you should too. This has like all the girl essentials for like, going to college which i am.

Mom is having major surgery from cancer and dad who just survived cancer has to stop working to help her for 6 months, so for that amount of time, i'm dirt poor and sad. Boo. But i'm sure they will be okay. Hopefully. :(

On the bright side, i'll be having a job at college and will be able to support myself a little bit better.

Follow her, she's awesome-ness regardless if you win or not, and good luck cloudies! :D

Friday, August 17, 2012

So..I'm going vegan.

       I'm doing it because i did a little research on my normal diet, and found the results..well true.

  •  Because of my blood type (A+) , meat doesn't digest too well, and i realized that, doesn't. Although chicken doesn't really do anything bad to me, i should just cut it out anyway. 
  • I'm lactose intolerant, and i keep eating ice cream and milk and i continue to have these terrible stomach aches that are simply unbearable. It feels like childbirth.
  • I hate eggs, and honey.
  •  Other stuff that is made with animal stuff but doesn't contain it, i don't care about. This isn't for the animals or anything. Expecially stuff that i don't eat.
  • Anything with lactose or like animal fat or animal product in it, i wont eat because..well, it's like meat. 
  • I'm still deciding on a cheat days. for right now it's the weekend. Not Sunday. I'm trying to ease myself in for now because i'm just starting. Also to get my body used to the change. This is a big transition but i will always challenge myself.

 I'm just tired of feeling tired and in pain all the time. I wanna feel good, and lose weight. Simply.

I'm starving tho, because there aren't any choices at home..Poo. College, come quickly!

Did you know Jenna Marbles has a vegan diet?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hiatus alert & diet update. + Nature's bounty HSN reveiw

  Hey lovlies!

   Well I know its been a while since I posted...and that's because I decided to take a small hiatus until school started so it can be the college blog that I wanted it to be. School starts directly on my birthday(09/07/94), and I hope I get my roommates to help me write my next blog post!*excited* There hasn't been too much of things that happened to me since ya last saw me except that I cut all my hair off.

Yup, it's all gone.

  I will post pics right after I announce that I cheated so freaking much on that diet. I didn't even last one day. SMH I think I have an addiction to food. -____- So much for being fit for scad.
*first world problems*

 Lately i have been taking these pills:
(They are amazin'.)

    In order to get my long luxurious mane that I never actually had back along with the added bonus of skin and nail enhancement. (allthough I don't really need the nail part..I got strong healthy claws already. ^_^;)

    Lemme tell you, these made my hair grow back some ever since I used it. I've been using it for like two weeks and I can already notice a difference in my hair's thickness and I can see little disobeying strands of hair that stick out my boycut lol. My skin, which is plagued by seborrheic Dermatitis, has gotten clearer and my teen acne has reduced although it wasn't very prominant in the first place.

As for my nails....nothing. lol well, I couldn't notice a difference, but you might.

Beware that if you stop taking these, your skin will basically throw a tantrum at you and you'll start to get a temporary case of acne and if you're like me, your skin condition will fight you too. This week I stopped taking them because I wasn't eating very often and you are supposed to take them with food, so I started getting migraines and flare ups. It's a NO NO to skip taking them, and it's also a NO NO to not take them with food.

You will be hungry all the time, as these increase metabolism as well. ME HUNGRY RIGHT NOW AS ME TYPE BLOG ME NEED FOOD ME HUNGRY

Anywho, for those who were like: JUST SHUT UP AND SHOW ME THE PICTURES BALD FATTY! Meanie. ;__;

(Oops..clicked on my porn file by mistake. ;D)

Well, That's all for now..Because nobody even reads my blog